Philadelphia Police - Citywide
Feed Status:     Listeners: 35


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PPD J-Band, PPD T-Band, PPD Events 1, and PPD Events 2.

Broadcasting Philadelphia Project 25 talk groups;

  1. PPD J-Band (broadcasts all priority calls in the city and is used by citywide units)
  2. PPD T-Band (used by Traffic units)
  3. PPD Events 1 (used when units are tasked to a special event)
  4. PPD Events 2 (used when units are tasked to a special event)

The feed is broadcasted with a Uniden BCD396XT scanner.

The primary purpose of this feed is to keep the residents and business owners of Philadelphia informed about what is happening in our community. 

Philadelphia Police Districts map -

Philadelphia scanner information for police and fire departments: ?

Metadata is text embedded in the audio stream which can be seen on iTunes and WinAmp web players, and on the 5-0 Radio smartphone app.

Facebook: PHLScannerFeeds