Chesapeake Police Department
Feed Status:     Listeners: 26


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Chesapeake Police Department's dispatch and precincts 1-5.

Technical Notes

The radio signals are received via a software-defined radio connected to a Debian 12 virtual server. OP25 is used to decode the P25 signal and Darkice is used to stream to Broadcastify.

Broadcasting several of the City of Chesapeake's Police Department talk groups.

Talk Groups

Talkgroup 301- Dispatch, Talkgroup 303 1st/5th Precinct. Talkgroup 331 2nd Precinct, Talkgroup 305 3rd/4th Precinct


1/6/2024 Initially used a "no name" software-defined radio (SDR) for reception.  Experienced several problems with the radio's stability. Changed to an RTL-SDR V3. Stability and performance immediately increased.

1/9/2024 Offline due to power surge

1/11/2024 Feed restored

1/25/2024 UPS Failure, related to 1/9/2024 issue

1/27/2028 Replaced UPS, feed restored

6/4/2024 13:48 Troubleshooting no audio

6/4/2024 14:08 Feed restored. Control frequency issue.

6/22/2024 20:40 troubleshooting no audio

6/22/2024 20:57 Feed restored. System did not recover properly from power outage on 6/21/2024

8/6/2024 23:56 Audio feed offline

8/7/2024 9:35 Audio feed restored

11/10/2024 16:51 No audio.

11/10.2024 17:41 Server restarted, audio restored.

11/29/2024 21:34 No Audio

11/30/2024 14:14 Server restarted, audio restored.

1/10/2025 Feed went offline at approximately 21:00.

1/14/2025 Feed restored at 22:50 

2/28/2025 Reconfigured server to more gracefully recover from power outages.

3/1/2025 - 3/9/2025 Preparing for migration from Raspberry Pi's to a server. Intermittent outages.

3/9/25 Migrated system from 2 Raspberry Pi 4s to a single Debian 12 server. Upgraded to RTL-SDR v4.