Clinton Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 11


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Clinton PD - Police Operations Clinton Fire - Fire Operations Clinton FD Fire - Town wide inter agency


Some communication has moved towards utilizing "Mobile Data Terminals" (MDTs) & Cellphones for dispatch to avoid radio communication

There may be some times where you hear nothing for extended periods. 

Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
155.1975 WQDK525 RM 91.5 PL Clinton PD Police Operations FMN Law Dispatch
453.5125 KCH246 RM 343 DPL Clinton Fire Fire Operations FMN Fire Dispatch
153.830 KCH246 BM 82.5 PL Clinton FD TW Fire - Town wide inter agency FMN Interop
151.025 WQJG364 RM 141.3 PL Clinton EMA Emergency Management FMN Emergency Ops
151.070 WPZY619 BM 77.0 PL ClintonDPW Public Works FMN Public Works

Public Safety Police Logs:

Clinton Police Department website:

Clinton Fire Department website: