Lycoming County Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 30


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See feed info page for an agency list

From Williamsport, PA, this feed is scanning many of the Lycoming County Public Safety Frequencies and others of interest, some are surrounding counties as well.  Below are the current frequencies being scanned with a Radio Shack Pro-2048 200 channel connected to an outdoor antenna from Cemetery St in Williamsport, PA. or or, which are owned by the Lycoming County Scanner Feed provider. * There are also several apps for listening from your mobile device (I am only familiar with Android, but others have similar apps in some form).

NOTE.... Some digital communications are being used, which may sound like a machine gun or a hissing sounding noise/rattling.  Currently, we do not have a scanner to monitor these communications, but they are available to buy.  Some of the digital forms being used are Nexedge and P25.  Scrambling or Voice Inversion is also used, as most all radios these days have this capability.  This scanner is currently Analog only and does not receive the other formats, so as the public safety agencies switch to these digital formats, it will limit what we can hear without a new several hundred dollar scanner.  If there is encryption, that will prevent listening even with a digital scanner. 

Also don't confuse W3AHS or Ham Radio with the Scanner Feed as they are not the same.  Originally, I used for a subdomain for the scanner feed. The scanner feed is nothing more than a scanner that is hooked up to the AUX IN jack of a computer (now Raspberry Pi 2) at my home and the audio is passed to the internet through a program the encodes the audio to  Normally it is an older computer that I have had donated by someone or a listener who has an old one lying around.  W3AHS and KB3AWQ are FCC issued call signs used on the air on ham radio.  There is lots of information on the web by searching ham radio or amateur radio and how you can get your ham radio license, and then you will be able to talk to other hams locally and worldwide through radios you purchase or even some apps on your mobile device after you pass your test.  These frequencies range all over the place so there is a lot to experiment with.  You can listen to these frequencies by searching for ham radio frequencies and entering them into your scanner or receiver if you have one, but cannot transmit unless you are licensed to do so.  Search ham radio repeaters for more information on them.

*********If there is a channel listed that the agency wishes not to be scanned, by all means just nicely send an email to giving me the details.  Understand that scanners can help, but they can hinder also, but many have scanners anyway as it is legal to listen but is illegal if you are using it for illegal activity.

Ch. 1    154.3175 Williamsport Police Dispatch (Repeater)
ch. 2    155.7675 Williamsport Police TAC 2, Codes, Fire TAC (Repeater)
ch. 3    155.7825 Williamsport Police TAC 3, EMA, Streets and Parks (Repeater)
ch. 4    155.310 Lycoming County Police Dispatch (Repeater)
ch. 5    155.490 Regional Police
ch. 6    156.030 Lycoming County Police TAC 3
ch. 7   
ch. 8   
ch. 9    155.565 South Williamsport Police TAC 4
ch. 10 155.640 Old Lycoming Twp Police TAC 4
ch. 11 154.845 Old Lycoming Twp Police TAC 20
ch. 12 153.950 Lycoming County Fire TAC 2
ch. 13 154.010 Lycoming County Fire TAC 3
ch. 14 155.340 Lycoming County Fire(EMS) TAC 4
ch. 15 154.340 Lycoming County Fire TAC 5
ch. 16 154.400 Lycoming County Fire TAC 6
ch. 17 154.430 Lycoming County Fire/EMS Dispatch (repeater)
ch. 18 155.985 Lycoming County Fire Police
ch. 19 
ch. 20 154.250 Old Lycoming Twp. Fire TAC 8
ch. 21 154.800 Lycoming County Countywide (Repeater)
ch. 22 151.1125 Wmspt/Lyco Co Reg. Airport Fire and Security (Repeater)
ch. 23 160.095 / 119.100 Patch Airport Williamsport tower
ch. 24 
ch. 25 
ch. 26 
ch. 27 154.980 Lycoming County EMA (repeater)
ch. 28 155.220 Lycoming County Municipal EMA TAC
ch. 29 
ch. 30 
ch. 31 
ch. 32 155.475 National Police TAC 5
ch. 33 155.070 South Williamsport TAC 8
ch. 34 155.160 Life Flight
ch. 35 154.130 Sullivan County Fire Dispatch (repeater)
ch. 36 
ch. 37 
ch. 38 
ch. 39 
ch. 40 
ch. 41 
ch. 42 
ch. 43 
ch. 44 
ch. 45

ch. 46 154.235 Hepburn Twp Fire TAC. 8
ch. 47 453.125 Life Flight repeater
ch. 48 
ch. 49 
ch. 50
ch. 51 155.7525 Calling (National Interop Channel) (this is one that is licensed to be at a Lycoming County public safety tower site)
ch. 52 151.1375 V-Tac 1 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 53 154.4525 V-Tac 2 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 54 158.7375 V-Tac 3 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 55 159.4725 V-Tac 4 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 56 453.2125 Calling (National Interop Channel)
ch. 57 453.4625 U-Tac 1 (National Interop Channel)  (this is one that is licensed to be at a Lycoming County public safety tower site)
ch. 58 453.7125 U-Tac 2 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 59 453.8625 U-Tac 3 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 60 851.0125 Calling (National Interop Channel)
ch. 61 851.5125 I-Tac 1 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 62 852.0125 I-Tac 2 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 63 852.5125 I-Tac 3 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 64 853.0125 I-Tac 4 (National Interop Channel)
ch. 65 
ch. 66 
ch. 67 
ch. 68 
ch. 69 
ch. 70 453.275 Lycoming County Jail
ch. 71 154.570 Misc