East Aurora Fire Control
Feed Status:     Listeners: 9


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East Aurora Fire Control. The past feed has been offline for quite a while and many people have asked about it. I would like to host it along with the Police feeds for East Aurora as well.

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
453.87500  WQFX520  RM 065 DPL EAFD Dispatch  Fire Dispatch  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
424.17500  WQZP360  RM 072 DPL EAFD Ch. 2  Fire Ch. 2   FMN  Fire-Tac 
458.06250  WQFX520  M 115 DPL EAFD Ch 3  Fire Ch. 3  FMN  Fire-Tac 
458.60000  WQFX520  M 125 DPL EAFD Ch 4  Fire Ch. 4  FMN  Fire-Tac 
458.98750  WQJI228  M 632 DPL EAFD Ch 5  Fire Ch. 5  FMN  Fire-Tac 
458.92500  WQJV613  M 125 DPL EAFD Ch 6  Fire Ch. 6  FMN  Fire-Tac 
460.36250  WQKM262  RM 051 DPL EAFD Ch 7  Fire Ch. 7  FMN  Fire-Tac 

East Aurora Fire Control all frequencies