Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club
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The Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club (GBARC) Analog Repeater, N1KGN, and W1BPT. The repeater is open to public use by anyone who is a licensed amateur radio operator. Visit our website to learn about upcoming activities and more about the club.

Upcoming Event!

The ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) annual Field Day event happens nationwide and is a huge 24-hour event for amateur operators and clubs to get on the air and make as many contacts as you can using a variety of modes and bands. GBARC will be hosting a public Field Day event in Bridgeport this year, and all are welcome to attend. Please visit for more information. If plan on joining us we prefer that you sign up in advance, however, it is not required. ARRL Field Day Locator



General Info:

Live steam is captured either by EchoLink or an SDR of the Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club (GBARC) Analog Repeater, N1KGN, on the 70cm frequency of 441.700. The repeater is linked with our 2m Analog repeater, W1BPT, on 146.445. Others can also access the repeaters via Echolink node number 441700. The repeaters are fairly active by both club members and non-members. The repeater is open to public use by anyone who is a licensed amateur radio operator. We host weekly Nets on Thursdays at 8 pm, and on the third Tuesday of the month, we host a different mode (DMR, Digital HF, Simplex, HF Simplex) which often meets first on the GBARC repeaters at 8 pm. We often run SETs (Simulated Emergency Test), as well as Fox Hunts (hidden radio transmitter, direction finding) on Saturdays or Sundays. Non-members and non-licensed users are welcome to listen in and to get in touch with the club if you are interested in joining or becoming a licensed amateur radio operator. You do not need to be a member to use the repeater or to join us in any of our many activities. More information at and



updated April 2024