KC4RCR Clarke County Monitored Repeaters
Feed Status:     Listeners: 0


A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at
the start of this feed.

No ads for Premium Subscribers

This feed includes amateur radio stations: N3JLT 51.940, K4QJZ 145.210, KG4Y 145.390, W4RKC 146.820, W3CWC 147.090, N8RAT 442.850/443.200 146.520 / 146.580 FM Simplex

This feed includes amateur radio stations:
N3JLT 51.940,
K4QJZ 145.210,
KG4Y 145.390,
W4RKC 146.820,
KC4RCR Allstar/Echolink -R

W3CWC 147.090
146.520 and 146.580 FM Simplex