Boston Police
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All Boston Police District channels plus Citywide and Interagency Operations. BPD Special Ops may be locked out during incidents.
The intermittent disconnects should be solved. I will be keeping an eye on them. A new antenna has been installed so B-2/B-3 should be comnig in clearer. I also moved the scanner and server so interference from TXing should be mitigated.
Agency: Boston Police Department
Scanner: BCD996XT using ProScan
- BPD Downtown/Chastwn/E. Boston (A-1/A-7) - 460.45000 - Dispatch
- BPD Roxbury/Mattapan (B-2/B-3) - 460.22500 - Dispatch
- BPD Jamaica Plain/Hyde Pk/W Roxbury/Roslindale /(E-5/E-13/E-18) - 460.40000 - Dispatch
- BPD Back Bay/South End/Allston/Brighton (D-4/D-14) - 460.50000 - Dispatch
- BPD S. Boston/Dorchester (C-6/C-11) - 460.17500 - Dispatch
- BPD Housing Police - 453.35000 - Dispatch
- BPD Citywide Events - 460.35000 - Citywide channel active during events
- BPD Special Operations - 460.05000 - Historically this has been a Citywide channel active during events. Going forward this may be temporarily locked out during an incident as BPD SWAT also uses this channel. Cleared with Broadcastify staff 11/6/20
- Interagency Operations (BEMS, BFD) - 460.27500 - InterOp. Often heard during Citywide events
The following information is pulled from
Unit designators are usually expressed as four characters, like “Lima 211.” These are often referenced as callsigns. The first, a letter, denotes a location: each district has one, listed below. The second character denotes the type of unit, e.g. a wagon, 2-man unit, K9 unit, etc. The last two is a unique unit identifier.
Unit Callsigns
- Alpha - District 1 (A-1)
- Bravo - District 2 (B-2)
- Charlie - District 3 (B-3)
- Delta - District 4 (D-4)
- Echo - District 5 (E-5)
- Fox - District 6 (C-6)
- Gold - District 7 (A-7)
- Harry - District 11 (C-11)
- Jake - District 13 (E-13)
- Kilo - District 14 (D-14)
- Lima - District 18 (E-18)
- Mike - Special Events
- Nova - Operations
- Romeo - Paid Detail
- Silver - Bureau of Administrative Services (BAS)
- Tango - Special Ops
- Victor - Detective
- X-Ray - Internal Affairs
- Yankee - Administration
- Zebra - Housing Police
Unit Types
- 1 - Rapid Response
- 2 - Patrol Wagon
- 3 - Motorcycle
- 4 - Neighborhood Services Unit
- 5 - K9 Unit
- 6 - Neighborhood Beat Officers
- 7 - Mounted Patrol
- 8 - Detective
- 9 - Sergeant
- A - Lieutenant
- B - Captain
- C - Command
- K - Anti-crime Unit