Norfolk City Fire and EMS Dispatch
Feed Status:     Listeners: 12


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FCC Callsign WNLT925, Monitoring NFD/EMS Dispatch and Tac 2-11.

Norfolk City communications system on Project 25 Phase 1 (P25-1) Simulcast - FCC Callsign WNLT925, System ID:465, WACN: BEE00, control frequency is 857.5125MHz. Monitoring Norfolk City Fire & EMS Dispatch and Alt/Tac channels 1-11.

Talkgroups broadcast:

286 - Fire Dispatch; 287 - EMS Tac 2; 288 - EMS Tac 3; 289 - EMS Tac 4; 28a - EMS Tac 5; 28b - EMS Tac 6 (Mutual Aid & Airport/Interstate); 28c - EMS Tac 7; 28d - NFD Alerting; 28e - NFD Tac 8; 28f - NFD Tac 9; 290 - NFD Tac 10; 291 - NFD Tac 11.

Equipment used to monitor is two RTL-SDR radio USB sticks feeding data to SDRTrunk (