LAPD - South Bureau
Feed Status:
A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at
the start of this feed.
No ads for Premium Subscribers
Southwest (3), Harbor (5), 77th Street (12), Southeast (18), and South Bureau Traffic (25).
Los Angeles Police Department - South Bureau
- 3 - Southwest Area
- 5 - Harbor Area
- 12 - 77th Street Area
- 18 - Southeast Area
- 25 - South Bureau Traffic
- 26 - Hotshot/Air/K-9 Citywide
Text tags (using a compatible player) provided via ProScan.
PLEASE do not use "Report a Problem" to chat with us, or ask for expansion of what we currently are able to provide. Use the RR forums if you have questions. Our location prevents us from being able to reliably feed other bureaus.
* We will never broadcast Tac/SWAT/Metro/Gang/Narc/SIS/IAD channels *