Philadelphia Fire Dispatch - South
Feed Status:     Listeners: 29


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PFD S-Fire and PFD S-Medic. Covering south of Lehigh Avenue and west of the Schuylkill River.

Broadcasting Philadelphia APCO 25 talk group;

  1. PFD S-Fire - South Fire Dispatch
  2. PFD S-Medic - South Medic Dispatch

These talk groups (aka bands) covers south of Lehigh Avenue and west of the Schuylkill River. 

The feed is broadcasted with a Uniden BCD396XT scanner.

The primary purpose of this feed is to keep the residents and business owners of Philadelphia informed about what is happening in our community. 

Fire Administration Building

***Philadelphia Fire Department tactical channels (South Tac 1, 2, and 3) are all encrypted.***

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For live fire updates follow @PFDalerts and @PhilaSAChief on Twitter.

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