Virginia Beach EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 49


This feed broadcasts Virginia Beach EMS related channels and is the feed officially adopted by the Council of Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squads, which is a component of the City of Virginia Beach EMS System.  Virginia Beach is the largest city in the USA with a volunteer-based EMS system. VBEMS handles more than 54,000 EMS calls each year. This feed specializes in highlighting the activity of this extremely unique volunteer EMS system.

The feed originates from a Uniden SDS200 scanner sampled and relayed using RadioFeed from

Also see the VB EMS Active Cases Board!

Routine activity channels:

  • Nightingale Air Ambulance UHF ops

Tactical channels:

  • VB TAC 03
  • VB TAC 04
  • VB TAC 05
  • VB TAC 06
  • VB TAC 07
  • VDOT Smart Traffic 14
  • Fire/EMS Talkaround 16

The following channels are usually locked out due to frequent use for drills, but may be activated during very high Fire/EMS demand conditions:

  • VB TAC 08
  • VB TAC 09
  • VB TAC 10
  • VB TAC 11
  • VB TAC 12

Regional coordination & major op channels:

  • DVRS 13 (mobile repeater)
  • VbEmgSvc15
  • ORION VB Fire 1
  • ORION VB Fire 2
  • ORION VB Fire 3

Alerts for this feed may sometimes be generated by an automatic algorithm.  Due to limitations of the primary data source, they sometimes contain ambiguities.
