Southern Dutchess County Fire Departments and DC911
Feed Status:     Listeners: 15


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This is a STEREO FEED and it covers Dutchess County including the City of Poughkeepsie Fire Department. Feed includes Dispatch on the left channel and all DC fireground frequencies as well as City of Poughkeepsies and many individual department channels o


Updated 9/2/2014

This feed covers the Dutchess County N.Y... Fire Service and covers mainly the central and southern areas of the county which are also the busiest. It should also provide adequate coverage of the Dutchess County Fire Towers in the North and North-East parts of the county.


THIS IS A STEREO FEED  - I HIGHLY recommend using Scanner Radio by Gordon Edwards if you are monitoring on an Android device.   If you don't want to listen to everything, but want to keep up with what's going on, then I suggest setting your balance to only hear the LEFT channel.

I have Alpha tags enabled if your player supports them.

The feed is provided from a MCS200 mobile and a Bct 15 scanner. Both radios are fed from a 10.4 DB gainYagi (with an antenna mounted low noise amplifier) aimed north which feeds an amplified multi coupler which feeds each radio.

On the LEFT Channel,  the Bct 15 provides the following:

Dutchess County Fire Dispatch - 453.900   - Priority  

Dutchess County Com 3 - 453.800


On the RIGHT Channel, the Bct 15 streams the following with Alpha Tags:

Dutchess County Fire Response - 453.925  - Priority

Fireground 5/6 - 453.050

Fireground/8 - 453.450

Fireground 9/10 - 453.625

Fireground 11/12 - 453.950

Fireground 13/14 - 453.850

Fireground 15/16 - 460.450

Arlington Fireground - 460.200

Beacon - 460.400

Village of Fishkill - 453.700

East Fishkill Ops/Fireground - 453.150

East Fishkill Interior Ops - 453.4625

East Fishkill Exterior Ops - 453.7125

East Fishkill FAST - 453.8625

Hughsonville FD - 463.25

LaGrange FD - 453.200

New Hamburg FD - 453.750

New Hackensack FD - 453.125

City of Poughkeepsie FD - Numerous Frequencies

Rombout FD - 462.125

Roosevelt FD - 453.250

Village of Wappingers FD - 469.3875