
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
(PERU SCANNER) Miami County Sheriff, Peru Police, Pipe Creek Fire, and Grissom AFB Fire9 Listeners
Central Indiana Skywarn Repeater Net W9ICE 146.9700 MHz
This Is A Live Audio Feed Of The 39 County Central Indiana Skywarn Active Severe Weather Nets ONLY!! (Audio can be delayed by as much as 40 seconds). There will be NO AUDIO if there is no net in progress !!!
0 Listeners
Logansport Police / Fire, Cass County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, Miami County Sheriff16 Listeners
MCARC Club Repeater - 147.345 MHz
The audio is fed from the echolink access point. Audio from echolink TO the repeater will not be heard here due to device limitations. but general repeater traffic will be heard. There is a delay 30 seconds or so built in to Broadcastify it is not a re
0 Listeners
Mexico Volunteer Fire Ground
This scanner is in a test mode due to connectivity issues. It may be playing other things to test the audio at times. But still covering the description listed
1 Listeners
Wabash, Huntington, Miami and Grant Counties Public Safety13 Listeners