
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5
This feed monitor's ISP Troops 1,2,3,4,5
17 Listeners
Logan-Trivoli Fire and Rescue
Broadcasting LGTR_F-1 Talk Group. If mutual aid is called, listen to radio traffic on Peoria County Fire Digital.
1 Listeners
Peoria Area Law and EMS
Peoria Police Peoria Fire Peoria County Sheriff Peoria County Rural Fire / EMS Bartonville Police Bartonville Fire Chillicothe Police Chillicothe Fire NWService-EMA
67 Listeners
Peoria Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ71
Peoria, IL NOAA Weather Radio WXJ71 162.4750 MHz.
6 Listeners
Peoria Area Short-Line Railroads
Audio Feed of Peoria IL area railroad communications. Railroads monitored include TZPR, TP&W, Illinois Midland, Iowa Interstate (IAIS), NS Bloomington District, CN (IC) Peoria Sub, BNSF Peoria Sub, and the Union Pacific Peoria Sub.
0 Listeners
Peoria City Fire Dispatch - PEOR 1 and 2
Broadcasting the F-1 and F-2 Talk Groups for the Peoria IL Fire Department. Locution provides the automated dispatch system.
Peoria City Police Dispatch - PREP 1Offline
Peoria County Fire - Digital
Broadcasting Peoria County IL Fire Department audio and mutual aid talk groups on the Peoria County P-25 radio system.
8 Listeners
Peoria County Sheriff Dispatch
Peoria County Sheriff & Chillicothe Police
11 Listeners