Live Audio Feed | Status |
ATCC UK - London/Scottish Control London/Scottish ATCC | 3 Listeners |
GB3NF Nottingham This feed is broadcasting live traffic from GB3NF Nottingham. The repeater is often connected to the FreeSTAR network and is often worldwide. Visit the website for more info! GB3NF AllStar Nottingham. | Offline |
Liverpool John Lennon Airport (EGGP) Tower UHF | 0 Listeners |
London Control (S04 Lakes) and Scottish Control (North Low) | 0 Listeners |
London North Control (S03 Lakes) - 133.7 Main London Sector for North England | 1 Listeners |
North West Swanwick Mil Control | 0 Listeners |
Shannon Volmet - 5505KHz | 1 Listeners |
UK Marine/North West Maritime Scanning though all marine channels. Supports Alpha Tags | 2 Listeners |