
Live Audio Feed Status
Air Traffic Control - London & Southern Uk
ATC BCT15X London SW4 United Kingdom. Covering London & Southern Uk Civil ATC Frequency range VHF 118-137 AM, Heathrow ground movements UHF 455.4875-8375 NFM. The scanner will be scanning the frequency ranges specified above which covers London Heathrow,
3 Listeners
ATCC UK - London/Scottish Control
London/Scottish ATCC
2 Listeners
FreeSTAR International
Official FreeSTAR UK & International Multi-mode broadcast feed. Bringing the 'QSO' to you!
1 Listeners
Liverpool John Lennon Airport (EGGP) Tower UHF0 Listeners
London Control (S04 Lakes) and Scottish Control (North Low)2 Listeners
London North Control (S03 Lakes) - 133.7
Main London Sector for North England
1 Listeners
North West Swanwick Mil Control2 Listeners
Shannon Volmet - 5505KHz0 Listeners
UK Marine/North West Maritime
Scanning though all marine channels. Supports Alpha Tags
6 Listeners