
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Jefferson County (AL) Law Enforcement + Birmingham Fire Dispatch 2 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Alabama State Police (Birmingham-Decatur-Jasper)
ALEA Troop G & F
3 Listeners
Birmingham Area NOAA Weather Radio KIH548 Listeners
Hoover and Vestavia Hills Police and Fire7 Listeners
Hoover Fire Department
The official live radio feed of the Hoover Fire Department in Hoover, AL. An ISO Class 1 Fire Department.
6 Listeners
Jefferson County Sheriff Ch 1
JCSO Centerpoint
4 Listeners
Jefferson County Sheriff Ch 3 (Forestdale Patrol Division)1 Listeners
KC0EQQ AllStarLink Node0 Listeners
North Jefferson Fire Departments
Morris, Kimberly, Warrior, Trafford, Glennwood, & Mt. Olive Fire
4 Listeners
North Jefferson Police
Morris, Kimberly, Warrior, and Trafford Police
1 Listeners