
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
147.505 MHz and 442.500 MHz Shore Point Amateur Radio Club Repeaters (SPARC)1 Listeners
Ansonia and Derby, Police, Fire and EMS8 Listeners
Ansonia, Derby, Seymour and Shelton Police15 Listeners
Branford Fire
Fire Dispatch and Fireground Channels
11 Listeners
Cheshire Fire3 Listeners
Cheshire Police and Fire Dispatch
Cheshire FD Dispatch and Fireground - Cheshire Police Primary - LifeStar Dispatch - **Please see notes for more information**
3 Listeners
Connecticut State Police
Connecticut State Police Troops A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L with Norwich, Groton, Ledyard, Stonington, Coventry, Plainfield, Montville, Bloomfield, Newington, Rocky Hill, CT HOTLINE's, DEEP East/West, UCONN, Bradley Int. Airport BIA, Trooper One/Two
33 Listeners
CT State Police, QVEC, Middlesex County Fire/EMS, Valley Shore Fire/EMS
CT State Police Trp C,D,E,F,H,K, Middlesex County Fire/EMS, Valley Shore Fire/EMS, QVEC, Norwich PD/FD, Groton PD/FD, Ledyard PD, Plainfield PD/FD, Stonington PD/FD, Coventry PD, New Britain FD, DEEP, Statewide DEMHS, and lots more
8 Listeners
Greater New Haven Police1 Listeners
Guilford Fire and Police
Guilford Fire/EMS Dispatch 453.525 and Guilford Police Dispatch 453.700
8 Listeners
Hamden Fire
Dispatch: 154.160 and Channel 2: 154.010
2 Listeners
Hartford Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ41
NOAA Weather Radio For the Greater Hartford / Tolland Counties Broadcast from Soapstone MT. in Somers, CT
2 Listeners
LIFE STAR Air Medical Service
LIFE STAR Hartford Hospital 155.385 PL 82.5 , 461.3875 PL 141.3 , 452.3375 DPL 351
11 Listeners
Long Island Area NOAA Weather Radio
Serving Long Island, NY and the surrounding areas...
1 Listeners
Lower Naugatuck Valley Fire and EMS13 Listeners
Madison Fire and EMS
Town of Madison Fire/EMS Dispatch, MHC Ops 2 and NMVFC Ops 10 (Feed Hosted by North Madison Fire)
2 Listeners
Middlebury Fire and EMSOffline
Milford Fire Department3 Listeners
New Haven Area Railroad Radio 0 Listeners
New Haven Fire Dispatch82 Listeners
New Haven Fire Firegrounds4 Listeners
New Haven Police3 Listeners
North Branford Fire1 Listeners
Seymour Fire1 Listeners
South Central Region Area Fire and EMS
Shelton FD/EMS, Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Woodbridge
6 Listeners
South Central Region Area Police
CT State Police: Troops A, G, I, F, DEEP **Fairfield Cnty Depts: Shelton **New Haven Cnty Depts: Ansonia, Derby, Seymour **New Haven and Fairfield Cnty Hotlines
3 Listeners
Southbury Fire Dispatch
Southbury FD Ch 1 153.7295
6 Listeners
Wallingford Fire87 Listeners
Waterbury Police and Fire
Waterbury Police and Fire Dispatch
19 Listeners
Wolcott Ambulance2 Listeners
Wolcott Fire
This feed provides live listening to the Wolcott Fire Main operations.
1 Listeners