
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Amarillo Area NOAA Weather Radio
This feed broadcasts the NOAA Weather Radio feed from the National Weather Service office in Amarillo, TX. The frequency of the feed is 162.55 Mhz.
0 Listeners
Amarillo Police and Fire
Amarillo Police Scanner (APS), Amarillo Police Department, Amarillo Fire Department, Amarillo Emergency Service
43 Listeners
Amarillo Repeaters
Amarillo Amateur radio (Ham Radio) Radio Scanner.
0 Listeners
Canyon Police and Fire3 Listeners
Caprock Intertie Link System
Caprock Intertie - An amateur radio repeater system covering Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles and South Kansas.
0 Listeners
Central Panhandle Counties Public Safety
ABC 7 dual-channel scanner feed covering the Central Texas Panhandle, TX DPS and PANCOM digital P-25 phase 1&2 systems as well as area -wide analog agencies. Amarillo's most comprehensive streaming scanner.
3 Listeners
Randall County Fire
RCFD Dispatch Digital. Randall County SO is encrypted.
5 Listeners