
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
California Fire Special 1
Special Events Feed: Will be activated only during large special events such as wildland incidents around the state.
Davis Fire
This is the official feed for the City of Davis Fire Department. The feed features Davis Fire Command/Dispatch and Davis Fire Tactical Frequencies. These are the primary frequencies for incidents within the City of Davis Fire response areas.
9 Listeners
Davis Police and Fire
Davis Police and Fire Dispatch
1 Listeners
K6KCP Node 541822-West Sacramento Link to 41056-Nashville
This feed monitors our All Star Link node 541822 in West Sacramento, which is tied to node 41056 and 2194 (WU7Q) located near Nashville, TN. These are Amateur Radio transmissions.
0 Listeners
Northern California Major Incident
Focusing on Fire Air Support
Northern California NOAA Weather Radio
NOAA Weather Radio from Wolf Mountain in Nevada county 162.550Mhz KEC57 & WWF67 Covering Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, Yolo, and Yuba counties.
2 Listeners
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Currently Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Command Channels
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Air/Ground
UC Davis Fire Dispatch2 Listeners
UC Davis Unitrans Bus Service
Publicly-accessible road operations channels used by student bus drivers and employees to coordinate sophisticated bus services for the University of California, Davis and the local community.
0 Listeners
West Sacramento Fire Dispatch10 Listeners
West Sacramento Police, Fire and Yolo County Sheriff Dispatch
Includes dispatch channels for West Sacramento Police and Fire Departments and the Yolo County Sheriff's Office.
26 Listeners
WIN System Amateur Repeater Network
The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. Due to the size this system. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec
5 Listeners
Woodland Fire Dispatch - Gold10 Listeners
Woodland Police Dispatch
Broadcasting Woodland Police Department’s ’ “Primary”channel, consisting of routine radio communications between dispatch and patrol units.
7 Listeners
Yolo County Fire Dispatch - Green10 Listeners