
Live Audio Feed Status
*CalFire SCU, Santa Clara County 2 Listeners
Bay Area Various Public Safety
Broadcasting Live 24/7 a variety of Public Safety Agency's from county's located in the Bay Area.
16 Listeners
CalFire SCU - Local, Command, Air Attack, Air to Ground
Provided by Watch Duty. Stereo feed, all channels simultaneous, see notes for details
5 Listeners
California Fire Special 1
Special Events Feed: Will be activated only during large special events such as wildland incidents around the state.
California Highway Patrol - Santa Clara County5 Listeners
California Highway Patrol SFBA - Golden Gate Division
Includes SF Bay Area and statewide frequencies. Feed updated with the new 700MHz frequencies. *** Covers the counties of San Mateo, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda, and Contra Costa *** (Radio located in San Mateo Co).
12 Listeners
Calnet Repeater System
The Calnet Repeater Group is a multi linked amateur radio Repeater System covering most of California and parts of Nevada. The system consists of numerous fulltime RF linked 440 MHz repeaters connecting San Diego to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe.
1 Listeners
CHP Green - Santa Cruz County/Southern End of Santa Clara County1 Listeners
Gilroy Fire and EMS12 Listeners
K6CBR Allstar Node 43919
Normally on the WIN System. Also switches to the Alaska Morning net daily, from 10A Pacific to 1P Pacific. This hub can also be connected to 43918 a simplex radio located in SF South Bay.
2 Listeners
Monterey Area Marine NOAA Weather Radio WWF643 Listeners
Monterey Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC492 Listeners
Mountain View Fire
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = Dispatch, *** Right = Command
5 Listeners
Northern California Major Incident
Focusing on Fire Air Support
Palo Alto Fire4 Listeners
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Waiting for Deployment. Currently Listening to random agencies in California.
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the Sikh Festival Sutter County California
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Command Channels
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Air/Ground
San Jose Fire
All Command Channels and Dispatch
75 Listeners
San Jose Fire Department - COMMAND 21Offline
San Jose Fire Department - COMMAND 22Offline
San Jose Fire Department - COMMAND 23Offline
San Jose Fire Dispatch
SJFD Dispatch - SVRCS TalkGroup 2451
Santa Clara City Fire 12 Listeners
Santa Clara City Fire 22 Listeners
Santa Clara County Fire Agencies - South
Scanner is located in San Martin, CA & has good reception of local fire traffic in the Morgan Hill, San Martin and Gilroy areas. This includes the Calfire repeaters on Pacheco Pass as well as Calfire CZU, BEU and Calstar & Lifeflight helicopters.
2 Listeners
Santa Clara County Fire Dispatch - Command 72
Stereo feed with Santa Clara County Fire Primary in the left channel and Command 72 in the right channel
18 Listeners
Santa Clara Valley Major Incident
Typically playing Campbell PD, Santa Clara County Fire, CHP Ruby.
Sunnyvale Fire
SVRCS This channel is only broadcasting Sunnyvale Fire traffic as Police traffic has moved to an encrypted channel.
5 Listeners
WIN System Amateur Repeater Network
The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. Due to the size this system. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec
7 Listeners