Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
AH6LE Repeater System A linked repeater system in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Allstar is used to link the various repeater sites to the main Hub in Butteville, OR. Linking is done on 5.8 gHz using the AREDN Mesh Network. | 0 Listeners |
Keizer Fire District | 0 Listeners |
Keizer Police Dispatch | 3 Listeners |
Linn and South Marion County Fire Linn County and South Marion County fire frequencies. Non trunked VHF dispatch and working frequencies. Agencies are Linn County dispatch, South Marion County dispatch, Albany, Sweet Home, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Halsey-Shed, Tangent, Scio, Jefferson, Stay | 0 Listeners |
Marion County Fire District #1 Valley Dispatch, OPS51, OPS52, OPS53, OPS54 | 5 Listeners |
Marion County Fire South 1-4 South 1: 154.4150MHz, South 2: 154.0100MHz, South 3: 154.2500MHz , South 4: 154.295MHz Coverage Portables: Lyons, Mill City, Stayton, Sublimity, Aumsville Coverage Mobiles: Lyons, Mill City, Gates, Stayton, Sublimity, Aumsville, Turner, and Jefferson | 3 Listeners |
Marion County METCOM North-1 Fire METCOM Fire Dispatch and ops for Silverton, Mount Angel, Drakes Crossing, Monitor, woodburn, Hubbard, St Paul , Fire Districts. Scans N1(P), N6 & N7. | 15 Listeners |
Marion County Sheriff Dispatch Marion County Sheriff dispatch. Marion County, Oregon. Scans between the primary dispatch channel (154.74 CH 1) and the backup channel (154.89 CH 3). | 33 Listeners |
Salem Fire City of Salem Fire Department in Salem, Oregon. SMF Dispatch TalkGroup on the City of Salem P25 trunking system. SMF Ops 3 TalkGroup on the City of Salem P25 trunking system. | 14 Listeners |
Salem Municipal Airport - McNary Field (KSLE) | 0 Listeners |
Salem Police Dispatch City of Salem Police Department in Salem, Oregon. SMP Dispatch 1 TalkGroup on the City of Salem P25 trunking system. This encrypted talkgroup is rebroadcast with a 15 minute delay. | 30 Listeners |
W7PRA Peak Radio Association | 1 Listeners |
WA7ABU 145.29 Ham Radio Repeater A very active radio feed with nets three times a day: 10 AM PST(PDT) Tech Nets each weekday for questions about the hobby 12 noon check in to test your radio, get known locally 7 PM weekdays for other informative nets 7 PM Saturdays - "the Ham Shoppin | 0 Listeners |