
Live Audio Feed Status
Illinois Valley Fire Protection District1 Listeners
Josephine County Fire Agencies
This feed covers fire frequencies in Josephine County and is provided by Watch Duty to support reporting in this area. This is not a scanning feed, the audio output is in stereo, and all frequencies are output simultaneously so that no audio is missed.
1 Listeners
KJ7VZY Amateur Radio Allstar Node0 Listeners
ODF Grants Pass Unit
This feed covers fire frequencies of ODF in the Grants Pass Unit and is provided by Watch Duty to support reporting in this area. This is not a scanning feed; the audio output is in stereo, and all frequencies are output simultaneously so that no audio is
0 Listeners
Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) Fire - Southwest Oregon
This feed covers fire frequencies of ODF in Southwest Oregon and is provided by Watch Duty to support reporting in this area. Frequencies may be added or removed with or without notice as extended incidents evolve throughout the unit, county, or forest. T
0 Listeners
Rural Metro Fire Department Dispatch
Rural Metro Fire Department - Primary Dispatch frequency. Units are dispatched on this frequency and may switch to tactical frequencies depending on the complexity of the call. Rural Metro units will also switch to another primary frequency when respond
W7PRA Peak Radio Association0 Listeners
Williams RFPD0 Listeners