
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire
CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire
1 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Cal Fire and Riverside County Fire - West
(((Stereo Feed))) RIGHT Side = Dispatch and Response channels *** LEFT Side = Command and TAC channels.
7 Listeners
California Fire Special 1
Special Events Feed: Will be activated only during large special events such as wildland incidents around the state.
California Highway Patrol - Riverside
39.6800 Turquoise Base 42.0200 Turquoise Mobile
3 Listeners
Calnet Repeater System
The Calnet Repeater Group is a multi linked amateur radio Repeater System covering most of California and parts of Nevada. The system consists of numerous fulltime RF linked 440 MHz repeaters connecting San Diego to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe.
1 Listeners
Coachella NOAA Weather Radio (KIG78)2 Listeners
Corona Fire Department Command-1 Channel
Command (repeated) channel for the Corona Fire Department to communicate incident traffic with Ontario dispatch center.
5 Listeners
Corona Fire Department Dispatch and Command18 Listeners
Corona Fire Department Primary - Dispatch Channel
Incident dispatch information for the Corona Fire Department from Ontario dispatch center.
4 Listeners
Corona Fire Dispatch0 Listeners
Corona Police and Fire
Live Audio From Corona Police and Fire including Riverside County CHP. No 150-second delay Like the "Other" Feed.
6 Listeners
K6MWT 147.4350 MHz Los Angeles Renegade Repeater
The "435" repeater is famous for lively discussion on controversial subjects. Located in Southern California on Santiago Peak (5,600 feet), the repeater covers Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego and the Inland Empire.
15 Listeners
Northern California Major Incident
Focusing on Fire Air Support
Palm Springs Fire Department 3 Listeners
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Currently Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 1
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Command Channels
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 2
This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Air/Ground
Riverside City Fire
City of Riverside, CA Fire Dept. Dispatch, Cmd2 and Cmd3 response channels. *Apologies for the terrible reception, still working out some kinks with equipment* NOTE: Archives for this feed may have dead air (silence) removed by the system.
4 Listeners
Riverside County Aviation Air to Air and Ground to Air3 Listeners
UPRR Yuma Sub - Indio CA Area0 Listeners
W6ZN 145.2800 MHz Palomar Mt. Repeater
Palomar Mountain San Diego County. Frequently interesting discussion. Trivia Net Mon. 8:00 PM PT., Swap Net Mon. 9:00 PM PT.
7 Listeners
WIN System Amateur Repeater Network
The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. Due to the size this system. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec
5 Listeners