
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Ohio Turnpike
Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike)
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Bowling Green Police and Fire, BGSU Police
Monitoring Bowling Green Police and Fire on Ohio MARCS. Also Bowling Green State University Police. NOTE: Bowling Green State University Police restored to this feed on August 12, 2023 after they switched from DMR to MARCS.
16 Listeners
Lake Township and Walbridge Police1 Listeners
Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) District 1
Post 2 - Lima, Post 20 - Defiance, Post 32 - Findlay, Post 48 - Toledo, Post 87 Bowling Green, and Pursuit Region 1.
3 Listeners
Southern Wood County Fire and EMS
Fire and EMS Dispatching provided by Wood County Sheriff Dispatch. Fire and EMS Operations for the Southern Portion of Wood County utilize Ohio MARCS communications.
2 Listeners
Wood County Fire Grounds
We broadcast Wood County, Ohio fire talkgroups 3, 4, and 5 on Zone 15 of the Lucas County 800 mhz system. Paging channels for Northwood, Rossford, Perrysburg Twp., and Lake Twp. are also broadcasted. Channel 4 (the main fireground channel) is primary.
10 Listeners