Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
NE Ohio - CSX, and Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad Traffic | 2 Listeners |
W8WKY 147.3900 MHz and N8XPK 53.1700 MHz Repeaters Live feed primarily from 147.390 SARA W8WKY repeater and occasionally from the 53.17 N8XPK repeaters in Doylestown OH. Nets including 7am-9am Barometer Net, Tuesday night 8pm net. | 0 Listeners |
Wayne County Sheriff and Fire, Wooster, Rittman, Doylestown Police, Rittamn EMS MARCS scanner listing to Wayne County Police. Fire and EMS. | 25 Listeners |