
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Hartville Fire Dispatch2 Listeners
Southern Summit County / Northern Stark County Public Safety
Barberton, Coventry, New Franklin, Green, Springfield, Hartville, Uniontown, PD, EMS, FIRE, Summit County PD, OSP 3 ,Metroparks Rangers, Mac1-15, Canal Fulton, Clinton, North Lawerance, North Canton, ,Jackson Brewster PD,EMS,FIRE
35 Listeners
Stark County Fire
Stark County Fire Departments main dispatch talkgroups on MARCS.
Stark County Police
Stark County Police main dispatch taklgroups on MARCS
W8AL 146.7900 MHz Canton ARC Repeater0 Listeners
W8NP 147.1800 MHz Massillon ARC and WA8GXM 53.0500 MHz Repeaters
The Massillon Amateur Radio Club W8NP PO Box 73 Massillon, Ohio 44648 Serving Our Community Since 1927
0 Listeners