Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Calls Playlist | Listeners |
Ohio Turnpike Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike) |
1 Listeners |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Portage County Fire, EMS and Police Primarily Portage County Fire/EMS, Police, Portage County Sheriff, and OSP. Some mutual aid fire included. Alpha tags | 32 Listeners |
Portage County Law and Fire Police Depts (Kent, Kent State, Brimfield, Ravenna, Mantua, Streetsboro, etc.), Sheriff, MARCS, Hwy Patrol and Fire Departments in Portage County. | 2 Listeners |
Streetsboro Police and Fire Dispatch | 2 Listeners |