
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Ohio Turnpike
Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike)
1 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Portage County Fire, EMS and Police
Primarily Portage County Fire/EMS, Police, Portage County Sheriff, and OSP. Some mutual aid fire included. Alpha tags
32 Listeners
Portage County Law and Fire
Police Depts (Kent, Kent State, Brimfield, Ravenna, Mantua, Streetsboro, etc.), Sheriff, MARCS, Hwy Patrol and Fire Departments in Portage County.
2 Listeners
Streetsboro Police and Fire Dispatch2 Listeners