
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Columbus Area NOAA Weather Radio KIG86
NOAA weather radio from Callsign KIG86 on 162.5500 MHz.
5 Listeners
Columbus Division of Fire, Franklin County Fire and EMS
Columbus Area Fire & EMS...... Monitoring dispatch, fireground & interop audio for Columbus Fire, MECC and other suburban fire depts. See feed notes for full details.
25 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Citywide
Columbus Police Division on the Ohio MARCS-IP System scanning all six zones (Dispatch Channels).
178 Listeners
Fairfield County Fire/EMS
All Fairfield County Fire and EMS agencies less Lancaster and Violet Twp.
4 Listeners
Fairfield County Sheriff
Fairfield County Sheriff main dispatch channel, including villages of Millersport, Baltimore, Lithopolis, and Sugar Grove.
13 Listeners
Lancaster Fire
Lancaster Fire Department dispatch and ops from Ohio MARCS system.
1 Listeners
South Central Ohio Railroads
Railroad communications from Delaware to Waverly and Newark to London
0 Listeners
W8AIC 146.7600 MHz Central Ohio Severe Weather Net
Providing real-time weather spotter reports for the following counties: Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Hocking, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, Ross and Union.
0 Listeners