
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Cleveland Police and Metro Housing Authority
11 Listeners
Ohio Turnpike
Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike)
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Berea, Brook Park Police4 Listeners
Chagrin Valley Dispatch - Brecksville
Scanning police and fire dispatch for Brooklyn, Independence, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, Brooklyn Heights, Cuyahoga Heights, Seven Hills, Valley View, and Newburgh Heights. Also scanning Cuyahoga County Sheriff dispatch and Metroparks dispatch.
Cleveland Area NOAA Weather Radio KHB59
24/7 feed of the National Weather Service covering the Greater Cleveland, OH area.
1 Listeners
Cleveland Fire and EMS
City of Cleveland Fire and EMS channels. Can include other Cuyahoga County FD channels when CFD is not busy.
14 Listeners
Cleveland Police - West42 Listeners
Cleveland Police and Metro Housing Authority
Also includes traffic control and special operations channels.
664 Listeners
East Cleveland Police and Fire DispatchOffline
Euclid Police and Fire13 Listeners
Garfield and Maple Heights Police - Digital
Updated digital feed scanning cities of Garfield and Maple Heights
21 Listeners
Hillcrest Police Departments Dispatch
Police dispatch feed for Mayfield Heights, Mayfield Village, Highland Heights and Lyndhurst on the Ohio MARCS system. *This feed may be delayed.
1 Listeners
Independence Fire Department 1 Listeners
Lakewood Police and Fire14 Listeners
LEARA 146.88 MHz Repeater
Official feed for LEARA's West side VHF repeater. Secondary/Backup repeater for Cuyahoga County Skywarn.
0 Listeners
Norfolk Southern Railroad Cleveland Area
Norfolk Southern Railroad, Berea, Cleveland, Bay Village, Avon Lake, Rocky River, Lakewood, Euclid, Downtown CLE. Monitoring 24/7/365
1 Listeners
Ohio Turnpike Maintenance - East0 Listeners
Ohio Turnpike Maintenance - West0 Listeners
Parma / Parma Heights Police and Fire40 Listeners
Shaker Heights Police Dispatch
SHPD Dispatch GCRCN TG# 56810
1 Listeners
Shaker Heights, University Heights and Cleveland Heights Fire Dispatch
CVD Heights Fire Dispatch (formerly known as Eastcomm) TG# 13562
1 Listeners
South Euclid, Cleveland Heights, Richmond Heights, and University Heights Police Dispatch
Police Dispatch for the Cities of South Euclid, Cleveland Hts., Richmond Hts., Beachwood, and University Hts.
7 Listeners
Southwest Emergency Dispatch Center (SWEDC)
Includes: Berea, Brook Park, Middleburg Hgts., North Royalton and Strongsville.
5 Listeners
WestCom Fire and West Suburbs Police - Digital MARCS
WestCom Fire and Westshore PD -Bay Village, Fairview Park, Rocky River, Westlake, Fairview Park and North Olmsted.
12 Listeners