
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Cortland County, NY - Fire/EMS/Law
Playlist is for Cortland County Public Safety. It includes all of the talk groups for Fire, EMS and Law.
1 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Cortland County Fire and EMS2 Listeners
Cortland County Public Safety78 Listeners
Finger Lakes Region Fire, EMS and Medevac
Monitoring Cayuga, Cortland, Onondaga, Ontario, Oswego, Seneca, Tompkins, Yates & Helicopters
8 Listeners
Hurricane Watch Net - 14.3250 MHz and 7.2680 MHzOffline
Ithaca Area NOAA Weather Radio WXN59
NOAA Weather for the Ithaca and Finger Lakes Region. If you hear static or dead-air, the NOAA weather radio transmitter site may be off-the-air and I cannot fix the issue.
4 Listeners
K2IWR 147.1800 MHz Repeater
Ham radio repeater in Cortland, NY
1 Listeners
KB2FAF 147.2250 MHz Repeater
Ham radio repeater in Cortland, NY
0 Listeners
KB2FAF 443.150 MHz Repeater
This is a ham radio simulcast and voted repeater system consisting of three sites. It covers some of the city of Syracuse, all of Cortland County, and some of Broome County. For the most part, I-81 has full coverage from Syracuse to Binghamton.
0 Listeners
Syracuse Area NOAA Weather Radio WXL31
NOAA Weather for the Syracuse and Central New York region. If you hear static or dead-air, the NOAA weather radio transmitter site may be off-the-air.
2 Listeners