
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Keene Fire Department6 Listeners
Keene Fire Stream0 Listeners
New Hampshire State Police
NH State Police Statewide
11 Listeners
Southern New Hampshire Counties Fire
Covers Fire for the Counties of: Cheshire, Hillsborough, Rockingham, Merrimack and Belknap
9 Listeners
Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid
Dispatching Fire and EMS in southwestern NH and southeastern Vt. Call sign: KCF-415. Frequency: 154.430
11 Listeners
SWNH District Fire Mutual Aid4 Listeners
SWNH District Fire Mutual Aid 20 Listeners
Worcester County Fire and EMS - Northern
Scanning Northern Worcester County Fire, DCR Forestry, MEMA, State Police SOPS, SP Events, Fire District 14 Mutual Aid, Fire District 5 & 15 Mutual Aid, ITAC Channels (VHF/UHF/800).
4 Listeners