
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
70 West Fire Rescue
70 West Fire Rescue via Talk Group 18467
0 Listeners
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Hot Springs (A3)0 Listeners
Arkansas State Police K Dispatch
Covers Clark, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Montgomery, Pike, Polk counties
4 Listeners
Fountain Lake VFD Operations0 Listeners
Garland County Sheriff Dispatch11 Listeners
Hot Springs Fire Dispatch2 Listeners
Hot Springs Police Department5 Listeners
Jessieville Volunteer Fire Department0 Listeners
Lake Hamilton Fire Department0 Listeners
LifeNet EMS Service Dispatch3 Listeners
Mountain Pine Volunteer Fire Department0 Listeners
Piney Volunteer Fire Department2 Listeners
W5RHS SKYWARN Repeater 147.120 MHz
Located west of Benton Arkansas on I-30. The 147.120 repeater is active during severe weather events. It has a linking system that can link to Skywarn nets across Arkansas. During non Skywarn activity this repeater is connected to Allstar node 454130
4 Listeners