
Live Audio Feed Status
Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket and Plymouth Counties Fire Departments
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket, and Plymouth Counties Fire Depts. *** Right = Mutual Aid Operations channels.
14 Listeners
MA State Police - Metro Boston Area
Scanning Dispatch Talkgroups for Troops A and H, and Statewide. Geographically covering from the 495 belt area, into the heart of Boston. No local PD or Fire. May hold on a channel for an event.
28 Listeners
Martha's Vineyard Public Safety
Police, fire and EMT dispatch received on a P25 scanner. Marine distress CH 16 is there too.
18 Listeners
Southeastern Massachusetts State Police
Monitors Massachusetts State Police activity in Southeastern Massachusetts, including MSP Zone 3, Troop H, statewide helicopter/mobile units, and MassDOT. Covers highway patrols, accident response, investigations, emergency operations, and traffic updates
4 Listeners
TAC9 Public Safety Notification System
The TAC9 Radio System is a public safety notification network operating in the New England and New York area, with nationwide expansion in future plans. The system is a closed Zello channel and is not always carrying traffic.
7 Listeners