
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Baltimore City Fire
This feed plays BCFD A1 main A2 dispatch and all firegrounds scanner using Uniden SDS200
53 Listeners
Baltimore City Police105 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Central District6 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Eastern District3 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Northeast District5 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Northern District8 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Northwest District5 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Southeast District4 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Southern District6 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Southwest District7 Listeners
Baltimore City Police Western District4 Listeners
Baltimore Terminal Rail
Monitoring CSX, Norfolk Southern, Amtrak and shortlines in Baltimore City and points south.
0 Listeners
Central Maryland Repeater Group1 Listeners
CHART District 71 Listeners