
Live Audio Feed Status
Albion Fire and EMS DispatchOffline
Farmingdale, Pittston, Randolph and West Gardiner Fire Departments
Fire Dispatch/ FPRWG-Prime - Hallowell Fire - Manchester Fire.
3 Listeners
Gardiner Fire Rescue2 Listeners
Kennebec River and MidCoast Region VHF Marine 4 Listeners
Kennebec, Somerset, and Waldo County Fire Departments
and Police Departments
6 Listeners
Monmouth Fire Department
Monmouth Fire Department and Police Department Dispatch. Also used by Monmouth Public Works.
1 Listeners
Waterville PD
Waterville PD digital feed, currently testing
1 Listeners
Waterville PD & FD
Waterville police has moved to digital, no longer available on 155.700 Waterville fire (154.205)
2 Listeners
Winthrop Ambulance, Fire & Police and Monmouth Police2 Listeners