Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
CSX LCL Subdivision Road This feed provides monitoring of the CSX Transportation, Inc. railroad AAR ch. 84 (161.37) and ch. 80 (161.31) as heard in the Oldham County, KY vicinity. | 4 Listeners |
New Albany Area NOAA Weather Radio KIH43 | 5 Listeners |
Oldham County Amateur Radio Digital Repeaters This feed monitors some repeaters and frequencies in or around Oldham County with Digital ham radio repeaters. Digital traffic comes through this feed. | 0 Listeners |
Oldham County Area Amateur Radio Repeaters Feed monitors ham radio repeaters in or heard from Oldham county. | 0 Listeners |
Oldham County Fire and EMS Dispatch | 8 Listeners |
Oldham County Police 1 Dispatch | Offline |
Shelby County and Surrounding Counties Public Safety | 7 Listeners |