
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
CSX LCL Subdivision Road
This feed provides monitoring of the CSX Transportation, Inc. railroad AAR ch. 84 (161.37) and ch. 80 (161.31) as heard in the Oldham County, KY vicinity.
4 Listeners
New Albany Area NOAA Weather Radio KIH435 Listeners
Oldham County Amateur Radio Digital Repeaters
This feed monitors some repeaters and frequencies in or around Oldham County with Digital ham radio repeaters. Digital traffic comes through this feed.
0 Listeners
Oldham County Area Amateur Radio Repeaters
Feed monitors ham radio repeaters in or heard from Oldham county.
0 Listeners
Oldham County Fire and EMS Dispatch8 Listeners
Oldham County Police 1 DispatchOffline
Shelby County and Surrounding Counties Public Safety7 Listeners