Greater Sacramento Area Union Pacific and BNSF Railr...
Feed Status:     Listeners: 5


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Live railroad communications on Union Pacific radio frequencies around Roseville, Donner Pass, and the greater Sacramento,CA area. Also, hear BNSF trackage-rights trains and Amtrak operating on UP lines in the coverage area.

Monitors the Union Pacific (UP) railroad around Roseville, Donner Pass, and the Greater Sacramento, CA area from a receiver located in Rocklin, CA.  

UP frequencies monitored:

  • 160.320 (Ch.014)

  • 160.800 (Ch.046)

  • 160.875 (Ch.051)

  • 161.310 (Ch.080)

  • 161.550 (Ch.096)

  • 161.400 (Ch.086) Roseville Yard (Train Receiving/Departure, & Round House) *Not always monitored. 


UP Subdivisions Monitored:


  • Roseville        (Dispatcher 9)

  • Valley             (Dispatcher 57 & 68)

  • Canyon          (Dispatcher 57)

  • Sacramento   (Dispatcher 56)

  • Fresno            (Dispatcher 57 & 56)

  • Martinez        (Dispatcher 57 & 62)


UP detectors  heard on this feed are located at the following mile posts (shown in red):

  •   44.6  @ North Florin, (Fresno Sub)

  •   85.2  track 1 and 2 @ Mikon, (Martinez Sub)

  •  111.9  track 1, (Roseville Sub)

  •  111.0, 112.3  track 2 in Rocklin, (Roseville Sub)

  •  97.7   track 1 & 2 between Citrus Heights and Swanston, (Martinez Sub) 

  •  116.8  @ Lincoln, (Valley Sub)

  •  148.0  between Del Paso and Pleasant Grove, (Sac Sub)

  •  161.1  between Pleasant Grove and Mounkes, (Sac Sub)  

*Additional detector and train transmissions can be heard when atmospheric conditions allow reception beyond typical receiver coverage. This  occurs primarily during Spring and Summer months.