Tulare County Sheriff 2
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TCSO Channel 2 North End 453.650 - TCSO Stations Visalia and Orosi, as well as Exeter, Farmersville and Woodlake PDs New beat areas 60A/60B/60C are basically central Visalia areas not within the city.
New numbering scheme by Tulare County Sheriff as of 5-28-17
Adam units are Executive command, such as Adam 1 is the Sheriff
Charles units are Captains,
Lincoln units are Lieutenants
Sierra units are Sergeants
Paul units are patrol, however beats are still the same, for example, P31 may go on duty as 30C, and he will report as 30C for the rest of the night.
David units are Detectives
King units are Courts
William is Boating Enforcement
Com is Tactical Dispatcher
Robert units are Reserves
Beats are by substation -
10 = Visalia Patrol, ie 10A is from Visalia
20 = Porterville
30 = Pixley
40 = Orosi
60 = Headquarters
Tulare County Sheriff North End stations, Visalia, Orosi, Exeter, Farmersville Woodlake on453.650.