Barry County Sheriff, Fire, and EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 59


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I have a GRE PSR 500 and I am located in Barry County. Talkgroups are Barry County Prim, COM, Statewide 5, Dist 5 Emergency Call, state wide all Call, Barry County Fire and EMS. We do not broadcast HEARN, TAC,  LEIN, or Private Talkgroups.

Barry County Michigan Central which includes Sheriff, and State Police which are dispatched thru central dispatch.


MSP District 5 Dispatch(will turn off during high call times)

08PRIM(Main Dispatch)

08COM(Countywide COM)


Hastings Fire (Unit to base)

District 5 Statewide Talkgroup

Emergency all call State Wide

Emergency Management Dept District 5

MSP District 5 DistWide Talkgroup

MSP District 5 K-9 Talkgroup

Barry County Special Event 1 Talkgroup

Barry County Special Event 2 Talkgroup


G Event 1 - Statewide

West Michigan Aircare

Aviation and K9 Channel

PrideCare EMS(Only on when active in Barry County)


Lansing Mercy EMS

**Winter Only** MDOT Barry County TG


Barry County Fire/EMS Dispatch

Lansing Mercy EMS working out of Barry County


StateWide ICall thru Conventional

ITAC1 thru Conventional

ITAC2 thru Conventional

ITAC3 thru Conventional