NSW PSN Mid North Coast
Feed Status:     Listeners: 0


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ALL NSW PSN Traffic from the following sites. Nambucca Tip, Mt Yariabini, Bowra Sugarloaf, Point Lookout, Dorrigo, Location: North Macksville. Tech Specs In Description

ALL NSW PSN Traffic from the following Sites

Mt Yarrahapinni

Bowra Sugarloaf

Nambucca Tip

Francis Lookout Dorrigo



HackRF One

Diamond BC200N Vertical Antenna @ 12m AGL

RG213 Coax

HP Desktop Running Windows 10

SDR Trunk v6



LOCATION: North Macksville NSW


Further Improvements Likely

Financial/Equipment assitance welcome.


Queries/Questions/Qualms to: sarc122@hotmail.com


Happy Listening :)