Missoula Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 6


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Missoula Police, Sheriff, Fire & EMS Dispatch

Missoula Police, Sheriff, Fire & EMS Dispatch Scanner Feed

Feed Name: Missoula Police, Sheriff, Fire, and EMS Dispatch

Coverage Area: Missoula County, including city police, sheriff's office, fire departments, and EMS.
Primary Purpose: This feed provides real-time access to public safety communications for the Missoula area, serving community awareness, media, and hobbyist monitoring. The broadcasting facility is equipped with battery backup systems and a redundant internet connection to ensure continued operation during power outages.

Frequencies Being Broadcast

This feed only includes dispatch channels in accordance with Broadcastify's terms of service. No tactical, encrypted, or private channels are included.

Frequency Callsign PL/NAC Agency Description Mode Type
155.580 KNBH396 146.2 PL Missoula SO N Sheriff Dispatch North FMN Law Dispatch
154.740 KNBH396 146.2 PL Missoula SO S Sheriff Dispatch South FMN Law Dispatch
155.775 KNBH396 CSQ MissoulaCo FD Dispatch Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
155.610 WPOZ327 203.5 PL Missoula PD1 Police Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
857.7625 WRPZ675 - Missoula PD Link Police Dispatch Link FMNe Law Dispatch
154.355 WNUA364 - Missoula FD 1 Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
155.430 WNBB986 192.8 PL UMM Police University of Montana Police FMN Law Dispatch
155.205 KXC786 - Missoula EMS Dispatch EMS Dispatch FMN EMS Dispatch
154.370 KNJY734 100.0 PL Missoula RFD Dispatch Rural Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch

Scanner Equipment & Technical Information

  • Scanner Models: Uniden SDS200 + Uniden SDS100 + RTL-SDR.
  • Antenna: Hustler DCX
  • Software: BUTT, Pira Silence Detection, DSDTruck, SDR+.
  • Audio Processing: StereoTool
  • Scanner Location: Franklin To The Fort area.

Broadcast Policies

  • No Tactical or Encrypted Channels: This feed only broadcasts dispatch frequencies.
  • Potential Delay: Audio may be delayed by 5-10 seconds due to internet streaming.
  • Channel Priority: Frequencies are scanned in rotation, so active transmissions may briefly interrupt scanning other channels.

Listener Guidelines

  This feed is for informational purposes only. If you need emergency assistance, always dial 911.
  Not affiliated with any official agency—this is an independent, volunteer-run scanner feed.
  Do not use this feed for illegal activities. Misuse (such as using scanner info for evading law enforcement) is illegal and punishable by law.

Having Issues?

If you experience any issues with the stream, please reach out via email | missoula911scanner@gmail.com

Enjoy the feed, and stay informed!