Amateur Radio VHF Repeaters in Northwest Florida
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Amateur Radio VHF Repeaters

146.760 MHz W4UC Repeater Pensacola, FL

145.490 MHz W4VIY Repeater Milton, FL

146.700 MHz K4SRC Repeater Milton, FL

146.610 MHz KC4SME Repeater Pensacola, FL

145.350 MHz N3CMH Repeater Whiting Field, FL

146.520 MHz International Simplex Frequency

146.440 MHz WA5HC IRLP node Milton, FL

145.450 MHz W4UC Repeater Pensacola, FL

147.360 MHz W4AAZ Repeater Crestview, FL

146.820 MHz W4IAX Repeater Mobile, AL

147.015 MHz N4RGJ Repeater Mobile, AL

146.940 MHz N4FIV Repeater Mobile, AL