Perth County Fire
Feed Status:     Listeners: 1


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This feed covers Perth County fire: City of Stratford Fire Dept, North Perth Fire Dept, Perth East Fire Dept, St. Marys Fire Dept, West Perth Fire Dept.

Perth County Fire Departments:

  • City of Stratford Fire Department
  • North Perth Fire Department
  • Perth East Fire Department
  • St. Marys Fire Department
  • West Perth Fire Department


- 154.680 MHz - Perth County Fire Dispatch / Tac 1

- 158.430 MHz - Perth County Fire Tac 2

Stratford Fire (via Waterloo Region P25 system):

- Talkgroups:

   - TG 1902 - Fire Station Alerting (This talkgroup isn't on here but is patched with TG 1005 so it is heard on that TG.)

   - TG 1005 - Fire Dispatch/Tac 1 (Patched with STN. Alerting TG when there is a call that is being dispatched on W.R. P25)

   - TG 1904 - Fire Tac 2 


Pager testing for rural departments in Perth County is scheduled as follows:

Mitchell (West Perth Fire): Tuesdays at 6:00 PM  

All of Perth County (excluding Mitchell): Wednesdays at 6:00 PM  

Stratford Fire conducts radio checks on weekends, typically between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM.


NOTE: Sometimes, Trunking Recorder stops working for whatever reason. When restarted, the calls start streaming again, so just be advised that it may be old conversations when it starts back up and starts processing the audio files.

Note: Please note that the Perth County Fire frequencies 154.680 MHz and 158.430 MHz sometimes have a weak signal, but they are generally clear (Scanner is located in Waterloo Region, ON). You may not hear all transmissions because this scanner monitors other fire departments (those transmissions are not included here), so be aware that you might miss parts of conversations. The setup involves a Lenovo Tiny running Windows 11 with 8GB of RAM, and a Uniden BC780XLT feeding into ProScan. ProScan then outputs to Trunking Recorder, which sends the audio to a VB Audio Cable, and finally to RadioFeed. For Stratford Fire, it goes this way: SDR-Trunk to Trunking Recorder, then to VB Audio Cable, and finally to RadioFeed.