VHF CH 16 CH 01 CH02 CH05 Marine Band North West I...
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Marine Band FM  (North Mayo Sligo  Donegal)

156.800 mhz Marine Band CH 16   

156.375 mhz Marine Band  CH 67

156.500 mhz Marine Band  CH 10   

156.000 mhz Marine Band  CH 0

Air Band AM

127.500 mhz  Shannon Low level   

127.275 mhz  Scottish Control low level

124.175 mhz  Shanwick Control   high level

130.700 mhz Knock Airport Co Mayo  Approach

129.800 mhz Carrickfinn Co Donegal (No tower coverage)

122.100 mhz Sligo Airport

123.625 mhz City of Derry Airport  Approach  (No tower coverage and limited range)


Using Uniden BCT 15X scanner and Cat 150 and Cat 140 3db commercial aerials phased together .

Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop and interface lead comprising of 600 ohm to 600 ohm transformer and 1700 ohm resistor in series.

Low noise Gasfet variable Jim M75 preamp and splitters.