Letcher County Public Safety
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Broadcasting Letcher County Public Safety which includes Police, Sherriff, Fire and EMS.
Questions, comments or other inquiries can be made by contacting via ki4kao@ki4kao.net
Letcher County KY Public Safety
DB pulled from RR - https://www.radioreference.com/db/browse/ctid/1055
Rebroadcasting Law, Fire and EMS.
Frequencies scanned:
453.725, 453.825 and 453.700 - Local police
155.955, 154.325, 154.130 and 453.505 - for EMS and Fire
453.6875, 453.8625, 453.4875, 460.1875, 460.3875 and 460.0125 - for Law, fire and EMS dispatch
Oirignal site owner - KI4KAO via https://ki4kao.net
++Feed source located in Neon, Kentucky.++
Kentucky State Police Codes
Updated police codes and signals can be found at:
Stream Updates and information
All news updates and future downtime can also be found at https://ki4kao.net/latest-news/