Emergency Services - Lithgow
Feed Status:     Listeners: 2


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Primary emergency services in Lithgow, NSW.

Monitoring NSW PSN towers at Hassans Walls and Braceys Lookout.

This feed will NOT monitor NSW Law Enforcement, Transport Agencies or Private Business.

This feed will NOT monitor sensitive broadcasts, including Hospital Reports, Tactical Rescue and Simplex Fireground Channels

During local fire emergencies, this feed may be locked onto NSW RFS channels.

Equipment: SDS200E, ProScan.


Regular Feed


1 STATE - Rescue Helicopter Dispatch

9 F WST OPS - Blue Mountains Dispatch

MID WEST - Western Dispatch



101 BLMTN A - Blue Mountains Dispatch

106 CHIFLITH A - Chifley/Lithgow Dispatch

1253 STATEOP - Helicopter Operations



112 MW3 A - Blue Mountains Dispatch

402 RW2 - Hunter/Central West Dispatch



0101 SES RESQ - State Rescue

0102 SES DISP - State Dispatch

0801 WTZ RESQ - West Region Rescue

0602 WTZ DISP - West Region Dispatch




(VRA Rescue NSW primarily use local RFS channels for dispatch)

DISP TG 1 - Dispatch

OPS TG 1 State Rescue Groups

OPS TG 3 - West Region Operations

OPS TG 6  - State Operations



During Local Fire Emergencies, this feed may be locked onto the following NSW RFS channels:

101 BLMTN A - Blue Mountains Dispatch

106 CHIFLITH A - Chifley/Lithgow Dispatch

201 BLMTN B - Blue Mountains Secondary

206 CHIFLITH B - Chifley/Lithgow Secondary

1253 STATEOP - Helicopter Operations

Active Aviation Operations Channels

Active Local Operations Channels