Taney County Law Enforcement
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Taney County Law Enforcment feed Law Only

Using a Whistler TRX-2 Base scanner with 30 ft antenna


County Sheriff #100's

Forsyth PD # 400's

Hollister PD # 500's

Rockaway PD #70's

Merriam Woods PD #800's


Taney County Law Enforcement P-25 System Using a TRX-2 Whistler base scanner, 30ft antenna, area is Forsyth Missouri.


Frequencies used in System red is control channels

Branson site Taney, MO location 151.115 155.445c 161.875c 161.99375 169.650c 170.4625 172.725

Trunk Group ID 

Branson PD is  encrypted. No one can hear them at all.


Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop D South Dispatch

Frequencies used in System P-25

Branson site Taney, MO location 151.115 155.445c 161.875c 161.99375 169.650c 170.4625 172.725



Missouri Highway Patrol 10-Codes-most County and Municipal units use this or just use straight talk.

  • 10-1 - Unable to copy
  • 10-2 - Signal good
  • 10-3 - Affirmative, granted
  • 10-4 - Message received
  • 10-5 - Relay
    • J1 - Personnel
    • J2 - Property, papers, etc.
    • J3 - Prisoner
  • 10-6 - Busy, standby
  • 10-7 - Out of service
  • 10-8 - In service
    • J1 - Personal business
    • J2 - Vehicle maintenance
    • J3 - Court / Dept. business
  • 10-9 - Repeat
  • 10-10 - Minor detail, available for call
  • 10-11 - Remain in service
  • 10-12 - Vistor / Official present
  • 10-13 - Weather / Road conditions
    • J1 - Flying conditions
  • 10-14 - Correct time
  • 10-15 - Have in possession
    • J1 - Personnel
    • J2 - Property, papers, etc.
    • J3 - Prisoner
  • 10-16 - Vehicle Check
  • 10-17 - Urgent - Rush present detail
  • 10-18 - Anything for us?
  • 10-19 - Nothing for us, negative
  • 10-20 - Location
  • 10-21 - Call by phone
  • 10-22 - Report in person to (HQs unless otherwise specified)
    • J1 - At once
    • J2 - At your convenience
  • 10-23 - Arrived on the scene
  • 10-24 - Finished with last assignment
  • 10-25 - Disregard last assignment
  • 10-26 - Hold subject
  • 10-27 - Operator / Officer on duty
  • 10-28 - Full registration
    • J1 - Vehicle
    • J2 - Driver
  • 10-29 - Check record of person
    • J1 - Criminal history
    • J2 - Wanted / Warrents
  • 10-30 - Does not conform to the rules & regulations
  • 10-31 - Alleged narcotics violation
  • 10-33 - Emergency traffic this station
  • 10-34 - Trouble at station - Help needed
  • 10-35 - Major crime alert
  • 10-36 - Confidential information
  • 10-37 - Subject with a gun
  • 10-38 - Involved in danger - need immediate assistance
  • 10-39 - Go to for the purpose of...
    • J2 - Check of traffic
  • 10-40 - Car-to-Car Traffic
  • 10-41 - Beginning tour of duty
  • 10-42 - Ending tour of duty
  • 10-44 - Message received by all
  • 10-50 - Vehicle accident
    • J1 - Minor (no injuries)
    • J2 - Serious (injuries)
    • J3 - Road blocked
    • J4 - Fatality
  • 10-51 - Wrecker needed
    • J1 - Has been notified
  • 10-52 - Ambulance needed
    • J1 - Has been notified
  • 10-53 - Coroner needed
    • J1 - Has been notified
  • 10-54 - Drag racing
  • 10-55 - Driving while intoxicated
    • J1 - Charges will be filed
    • J2 - Make your own case
  • 10-56 - Intoxicated person
  • 10-59 - Convoy / Escort
  • 10-60 - What is the next message number?
  • 10-61 - CW traffic
  • 10-62 - Teletype traffic
  • 10-63 - Any answer our number?
  • 10-64 - Message for local delivery
  • 10-65 - Net message or item assignment
  • 10-66 - Cancellation
  • 10-67 - Clear for net message
  • 10-68 - Dispatch information
  • 10-70 - Fire
  • 10-76 - Enroute
  • 10-79 - Report progress of fire
  • 10-80 - Status Check
  • 10-82 - Reserve hotel room for...
  • 10-83 - Residence
  • 10-83R - Spouse
  • 10-87 - Pay checks are out
  • 10-88 - Advise telephone number for...
  • 10-89 - Communications employee needed / will arrive
  • 10-90 - Alarm sounding
    • J1 - Hold up
    • J2 - Burglary
    • J3 - Fire
  • 10-91 - Too weak, talk closer to the mic
  • 10-92 - Too loud, talk further from the mic
  • 10-93 - Frequency test
  • 10-94 - Give a test
    • J1 - With voice
    • J2 - Without voice
  • 10-95 - Bomb Call / Threat
  • 10-96 - Computer out of service
  • 10-97 - Criminal history - caution indictor
    • J1 - Felony arrest record
    • J2 - Known to be armed & dangerous
    • J3 - Known to obstruct / assault officers
    • J4 - Sex Offender
  • 10-99 - Records indicate wanted or stolen
    • J1 - Municipal Warrant
    • J2 - Misdemeanor
    • J3 - Felony
    • J4 - Caution code

           10-100 - use to be Bathroom break when I was in. dont know if it still is in use?? or some other code now.