Buzzard’s Bay Working Waterfront
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Buzzard’s Bay Working Waterfront

The South Coast of Massachusetts has a very active maritime community known for commercial fishing and pleasure boating.  During the spring through fall seasons ferries shuttle people, vehicles and goods between various ports along the Southcoast, Cape and Islands.  Year round you will hear Buzzard's Bay Control checking in commercial vessels from many countries for transit through the canal.  

The receiver covers all federally assigned VHF FM channels from the west end of the Cape Cod Canal to the New-Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge.  Depending on atmospheric conditions (usually at night) you will occasionally hear out to Providence, Block Island and Montauk Point on Long Island and north to Plymouth and Boston.

What you may hear:

  • Any and all VHF marine channels (excluding ship to shore phone patches)

  • US Coast Guard routine safety notification broadcasts

  • Launch and fuel services from local marina’s

  • Fish spotting

  • Weekly sailboat races 

  • Area Harbormasters

  • May-Day and Pan-Pan rescue calls and responses

  • Routine New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge openings

  • Cape Cod Canal Control checking and identifying vessels

  • Tow Boat US Dispatch - emergency vessel towing, recovery and rescue

  • Cape Wind work crews (heavy list 400 ton cranes and tenders)

  • Ferries including Steamship Authority, Island Queen, HyLine Cruises, etc.

  • Fishing vessels leaving and returning from port

  • New Bedford Hurricane Dike closings and openings

  • Whale spotting & announcements by Cape Cod Canal Control


The receiver is presently located on Hammond Hill on one of the highest points in Mattapoisett, MA at 93 feet above sea level.  The antenna is another 20 feet higher on a mast.

Please keep in mind that you may hear offensive language.  It’s just part of the centuries old maritime vocabulary and will not be censored.

At times the receiver can be very busy while at other times it can be very quiet.  If you tune in and not hear anything, check back.  The busiest time is from dawn to dusk. 

FM voice frequencies being monitored/scanned are listed here